Recording and Uploading HTML5 WebAudio - Angular + GO

Mon Jun 30, 2014


In this brief tutorial, I’ll show how to record audio with HTML5 Web Audio API and upload it to server.


We’ll use the RecordRTC library for handling the nitty gritty of Web Audio API.

Client side Recording

The following angular service initialises recordRTC context and maps it to the window. It also exposes the UploadLastRecording method for posting the audio data to the server.

angular.module('app.audioMaster', [])

.factory('AudioService', [
   '$window', '$http'
   ($window, $http) ->
     navigator.userMedia = (
       $window.navigator.getUserMedia ||
       $window.navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
       $window.navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||

     navigator.getUserMedia {audio:true, video:false},
       (stream) ->
         $window.recordRTC = RecordRTC(stream)
       (err) ->

     return {
       UploadLastRecording: ->
         blob = $window.recordRTC.getBlob()
         fd = new FormData()
         fd.append('audio', blob)
         $'/path/to/server', fd,
             transformRequest: angular.identity
             headers: {'Content-Type' : undefined }
           }).success(data) ->
           console.log("Posted sound")

See here for more detail on how to post multipart form data in angular.

blob = $window.recordRTC.getBlob() returns the binary data which is ready to be sent over the wire.

AudioService will have to be injected in a controller for proper use. Ex:

.controller('audioCtrl', [
  '$scope', '$window', 'AudioService'
  ($scope, $window, AudioService) ->

    $scope.onRecord = ->

    $scope.onStopRecord = ->
      $window.recordRTC.stopRecording (audioUrl) ->

Server Side Processing with GO + Martini

Assuming we’re using the following API for posting to the server: “/sound/:key/”

func UploadSound(db *leveldb.DB, r *http.Request) string {
  file, _, err := r.FormFile("audio")
  defer file.Close()
  if err != nil {
    return "500"

  filename := fmt.Sprintf("upload/%s.wav", params["key"])
  out, err := os.Create(filename)
  defer out.Close()
  if err != nil {
    return "500"
  _, err = io.Copy(out, file)
  if err != nil {
    return "500"
  return "200"

The above code reads the blob of audio data and stores it in a folder in the server.

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